Zero Zone praxis for Individuals
Personal Self-Cultivation Practice
Zero Zone self-cultivation praxis helps tackle ego-based internal evaluations and conflicts, alleviates destructive desires, anxiety, misleading propelling thoughts and confusions, teaches better focusing and flexible focus, helps create personal conviction in personal goals, and regulates emotional balance. In addition, ZZ improves self-confidence, precision in doing, ability to enter detail, sensitivity, perceptual sharpness and self-reflection.
These enhanced characteristics design one to be a valuable ensemble member and collaborator, a sensitive partner and a balanced individual. The praxis elevates one’s creativity and inspiration, fulfils life with joy and harmony and promotes all positive qualities one already has while decreasing negative habits and thinking patterns. ZZ trains to detect whether there is a genuine reason for anxiety regarding unknown challenges.
Feedback loop
The scholars Paula Thomson and S. Victoria Jaque[1] highlight that in a critical, already overloaded and complicated state of mind in an extreme situation, one’s consciousness is often split between the main focus and disturbing factors. This is when the performance flow can be unwillingly interrupted by misleading thoughts. They provide the evidence as follows: if one is unable to manage their frightening thoughts and somatic reactions, then the feedback loop between the two (the main task vs disturbing factors) will continue to increase until performance anxiety reaches the level of panic attacks. These responses are harmful to performance. Next, they point out the consequences:
After experiencing a panic attack, the apprehension that future performance will be sabotaged by performance anxiety grows. One becomes sensitised (increased response) to anxiety’s somatic and cognitive features rather than habituated (decreased response) to performance situations (ibid).
[1] (Thomson and Jaque, 2017: 270) It is crucial to note that the conclusion reached here emerged from research conducted by practitioners with considerable fieldwork experience with performers and athletes.
Flow is a state of concentration so focused that it amounts to absolute absorption in an activity.
It is easy to reach one, an achievement is to stay in one.

This training introduces Zero Zone Praxis (ZZ), especially encouraging one to reflect on one’s mind regularly, creating awareness about time and flexible focusing with focus guiding, developing a skill of detachment, explaining the essence of flow and how to use it and introducing different levels of consciousness for excellent daily performance. The ZZ Praxis has perceptual exercises and techniques with the lecture format to create an expanding intellectual understanding of the essence of the praxis. The best result will be achieved with repetitive training and daily application.
The sessions are developed to contribute to personality training and performing quality in terms of a better understanding and using perceptual skills. The results can be applied as a preventive tool for maintaining personal and team balance. The praxis enhances individual skills in focusing, reducing confusion/ anxiety, and removing communicative blockages. The scope of the concrete training process will be agreed upon after monitoring and reflecting on the concrete needs.
Tamur's Flow