Tiina's Coaching
Certified Therapeutic Coach
My interest in coaching arose in 2009 when the expectation was set for all managers to use a coaching management style in my company at the time.
As a young leader, I didn’t understand exactly what it was and whether and when to use it. But the initial contact had been made, and the ground was favourable. Based on my interest then, in 2011, I did my first academic research paper, “The influence of management and development methods on organizational culture”. The work confirmed the employees’ readiness and expectations for using coaching management. I summarised it for the managers with suggestions implemented under my leadership. One of the tools and outputs was the COACHING CLUB within my department, where I constantly updated the coaching skills of our management team (21 managers) by inviting speakers and visiting other organizations to listen and see. As my experience and knowledge grew, I have already engaged in the training of managers myself, supporting their development. Training is my passion, and since I have managed various sales and service teams over time, I primarily conducted the relevant training myself. I believe that just passing the training is not enough. What has been acquired during the training comes to life only if used consistently in cooperation with the manager or co-workers. Coaching is beneficial in this.
In 2014, I decided I wanted to go deeper with coaching, so in 2015, I became a solution-oriented coach certified by the ICF. That’s how I started my coaching path as a private entrepreneur, where I offered support primarily to small businesses. Together we found solutions to systematize, set the focus, reviewed the vision and mission and found action steps for the best, effective development. I helped small businesses have difficult conversations with their employees by applying a coaching style. In addition, first- and middle-level managers and top specialists also became my coaching clients. In 2018, I went back to lead the sales team of a large organization – now with a solid personal signature and a coaching management style. It has been enriching to observe people’s development and apply and analyze the possibilities of using coaching. Before entirely devoting myself to coaching at Tohver Studio, in my last position, I trained people in sales and call sales, as well as throughout the organization. I was one of the feedback givers of “Coaching and feedback” in our coproration.
Opportunities to Support Coach's Professional Development, MA, Tiina Tohver
My path
Today’s master’s degree in andragogy confirms my continued passion for lifelong learning and human development. With the completed master’s study, I have already opened up opportunities for development as a coach. I am currently learning and developing belief-release techniques and integrating them into coaching. Still, to reach even more profound and really get things moving. In addition to personal development training, I also offer team coaching. Team coaching often reveals the absolute need for relevant training, and I help find the best “tailoring” of the coaching.
And here are my topics:
The length of the programme depends on the size of the sales team and readiness for coaching sales. Since a person is a whole, below are some examples we have done as separate training.
A long-term customer relationship: a customer as a partner!
Personal support for a sales specialist or manager
How to achieve an even better result and where to go next?
Creating a vision and the responsibility of contribution for the team