Zero Zone praxis for Executives and Executive Coaches
Flexible focusing enables to concentrate on doing instead of evaluating
You may develop your craft endlessly.
One day you'll be on top. How and where to for next?
Crafts are not enough.
You are enough.
Expand your Self.
Such a process of Executive Coaching using Zero Zone praxis for business leadership entails a conversion of a leader from a false self (trapped in fear, greed, resentment, and a distortion of reality) to an authentic self (steeped in forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, compassion, and integrity).[1] Via such training, the leader specifies their purpose, becomes selfless and orientated to serving others, focusing on doing and being able to see a united goal within a greater moral perspective.[2] Bachkirova (2022) outlines a theory of individual development, grounded in the knowledge of the self from psychology, philosophy, and other disciplines. Her approach is practical, as the desire for fulfilment in an era of materialism is emerging in the context of rapid change in business and society with a growing social consciousness. This results in the leader experiencing a sense of commitment, connection, and transcendence. Allen and Fry (2019) foreground that today, executive leaders perceive a spiritual aspect to their work and seek to grow the spiritual facet of their lives, which a coach can support.[3]
[1] See Fry and Nisiewicz, 2013; Nouwen, 2010; Delbecq, 2010. I [2] Self-cultivation is based here on leaders’ self-examination facilitated by a coach. I [3] Also, personal long-term Vipassana meditation practice and the worldview of the Dharma support a coach’s capacity to be present with an executive. See Braham, Barbara J. “Executive coaching and the worldview of Vipassana meditators: A heuristic inquiry.” PhD thesis, Union Institute & University. Cincinnati, Ohio, 2006.
Flow is a state of concentration so focused that it amounts to absolute absorption in an activity.
It is easy to reach one, an achievement is to stay in one.
This training introduces Zero Zone Praxis (ZZ), especially encouraging one to reflect on one’s mind regularly, creating awareness about time and flexible focusing with focus guiding, developing a skill of detachment, explaining the essence of flow and how to use it and introducing different levels of consciousness for excellent daily performance. The ZZ Praxis has perceptual exercises and techniques with the lecture format to create an expanding intellectual understanding of the essence of the praxis. The best result will be achieved with repetitive training and daily application.
The sessions are developed to contribute to personality training and performing quality in terms of a better understanding of using perceptual skills. The results of the training can be applied as a proactive tool to prevent anxiety, confrontation or confusion while maintaining personal and team balance. The praxis enhances individual and team skills in focusing and communication by removing several blockages. After monitoring and reflecting on the concrete needs, the scope will be agreed upon.
Tamur's Flow