Zero Zone Praxis : Actor-Director Dyad

About this course
Why Be Afraid of Fear?
ZZ interdisciplinary praxis aims to improve the actor-director relationship and, therefore, the actor’s ability to avoid the detrimental effects of stage fright. It also alleviates the director’s possible hesitations and anxiety- as this is inherent to human’s behaviour, we are protecting ourselves against the unpleasant results. Thereby, the ZZ self-cultivation praxis’ preventive approach offers a possibility hidden to the rehearsal process or facilitated as an individual workshop.
The Zero Zone praxis is a unique practice, which includes three stages with several techniques and tasks.
This course describes the path: the reasons, aims and inner mechanics (theory) and provides constructive solutions (exercises). The significant factor in this process is time. It is suggested to build up a daily praxis with provided exercises. Via these different elements, we are creating different patterns to change our habitual or unconscious reactions, which are useful to alleviate the stage fright alongside its different manifestations in the actor-director relationship
This course could be delivered both on location and online.
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The Zero Zone praxis includes three stages with several techniques and tasks. This practical curriculum describes the path: the slight theory (reasons, aims and inner mechanics) with constructive solutions (exercises). The significant factor in this process is time. It is suggested to build up a daily praxis with provided exercises. Via these different elements, we are creating different patterns to change our habitual or unconscious reactions, which are useful to alleviate the stage fright alongside its different manifestations in the actor-director relationship.
Week 1 1st Stage: The Stairs 0/4
External, psychophysical
This is a preparing level and can be used as a warm-up for rehearsal, in which a shared space will be created. It provides an embodied understanding of psychophysical insight: what are the tools for improving self-confidence and connection with a partner, how it works. It also introduces the playground (performer is a doer, in all meanings) and the aim of our study/training: better focusing, the distinguishing skill, why these are needed and what is the path to achieving it. At the same time, it builds connections in the team: performers as equal partners, director as a partner and a coach, a trustee. The Stairs includes psychophysical acting-performing exercises, which improve kinematic bodily understanding and teach how to use intuitive perception for guiding one’s attention. This way, one avoids rational thinking in the process and will be not distracted by misleading thoughts, awaken by emotions, later on. This level builds secure ground with an open dialogue and a strong partnership between all participants. At the level of the interrelationship between actor and director, this stage synchronizes the principles/understanding of performance-making in a team. The exercises remind about fundamentals, but also indicate the aspiration for a more in-depth approach. This is a kind of agreement, which states the starting point.
Week 2. 2nd Stage: The Entrance 0/3
Introverted kinaesthetic awareness in use
This level is turning external focus (from physical doing) inward, tuning one to be more intimate, peaceful and thereby more precise, present and aware of the inner processes for differentiation and sharpening of perception. The additional benefit of this task is physical relaxation and mindfulness. This process allows us to create a strong self-confidence, change habitual reactions and builds up a new pattern of mind, which are the primary tools in liberation from anxiety. The knowledge: I can do that; I have prepared for that. This is the doorway for guiding all disturbing thoughts and negative emotions. In addition to that, one learns the relativity of time via the bodymind. This level aims to lead the practitioner to the daily practice of the exercises provided hereby giving the practical experience, how we can master one’s attention and willpower. One is going to study more in-depth what is the psychophysical focus and how to shift it. This allows him/her to make choices before every micro action. We are going to use modifications from different meditative yogic practices and exercises developed by me. At the level of the interrelationship between actor and director, this stage has vast importance in deepening the trust, ethics and respect through the intimacy of the task. The facilitator (director) gives the basic principles and rehearses with the participants this adapted practice. However, it stays impersonal, as one is powerfully guided to connect to oneself. This level aims to lead the practitioner to daily practice by giving practical experience of how we can master attention and willpower.
Week 3. 3rd Stage: The Zero Zone Dynamics 0/3
The lecture-discussion, the key-moments.
It could be argued that fear appears when the performer is experiencing a change in mind and falls out of the state of pure consciousness. Insecurity fills this void and fear grows (until hesitation remains ). As one is trained to perform perfectly, one also detects the mistake, and this notion creates fright: am I proceeding correctly? The unconscious will start the checking loop, described previously. Zero zones or 0-point is the moment of a change.
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